Sunday, November 27, 2005

Find Your Inner Pie

this is funny! at least i'm not kidney pie!

this one made me laugh -
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz


Marcia said...

Alright, I took the pie quiz, and I took it about 6 different times, and had vastly different answers each time... And I was always peach pie! And I don't like peach pie!

But I took the second one, and I was 69% (hahaha) and Blues Clues. That cracked me up. We always had a joke in college that the Blues Clues guy was hot!

SarahReznor said...

that's wierd. guy who works with me also got peach pie. maybe it's broken... (i happen to LOVE peach pie).

markus said...

apple pie!

half eaten corndog??