Monday, November 21, 2005

Thank GOD for Concealer!

Ah… it’s amazing what a little lipstick will do for you! Courtney was let loose in the world (again) today by a judge. God help us all!

"Cityrag compares these photos taken of Courtney Love at a September probation violations hearing and a Friday court appearance in which a merciful judge allowed Love to finish rehab in an outpatient facility, surmising that some eye work might’ve enhanced the apparent effects of clean living. Bravo to Love’s image consultant for realizing that some subtle cosmetic surgery might influence the court to take it easy on her, and abandoning an earlier, far more transparent plan to bolt her head to a high-backed chair to avoid another embarrassing, ill-timed instance of the “sentencing nods.”"

more here.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

oh courtney... just looking at you, I could get herpes. You scare me.