Monday, December 26, 2005

Back to Normal..

And I think I'm happy about that. This Christmas was a bit too stressful for me. We got woken up at 8:30 I don't even wake up that early on a regular day! After opening presents I spent the whole day on my feet in the kitchen helping my mother in law cook. But hey, it s over and we're moving to the cutest apartment in 2 weeks so I'm happy.

this is what I got -

- Jaws - the 30th anniversary edition
- A Million Little Pieces by James Frey (form my list)
- a pasta maker (form my list)
- the Curt Cobain diaries
- a GAP backpack - red
- a hard drive (form my list)
- a bunch of homemade things from several family members - all thoughtful and pretty!
- a bedtime Winnie the Pooh - I like bears.
- an antique 1920's butter tray
- piles of candy.

all together it was a success, no major fights. hubby was over the moon with what I got him, which is important too. This holiday business is a lot easier with him around.

one last thing - it snowed. just for about an hour and then it started raining again. but it snowed, on Christmas day. that's cool.

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