Thursday, December 29, 2005


I’m sick. My throat hurts. I feel like someone went crazy in there with sand paper. And I’m here at work coz the sick days here are a fucking joke and I can’t afford not working. I have 20 minutes left till I go home so I’m wasting it by writing instead of doing any work coz I fell too sick by now to do anything good anyway. But it’s Thursday and I promised hubby I’ll behave tomorrow and stay home. Of course that might not be a good idea coz the meat locker I live in is probably what made me sick in the first place. We’ve been living in the center of town for 2 years now and the whole area is undergoing massive constructions so it’s noisy and dirty and stressful and I’m so sick of it! hubby was living there with roommates when we met and last year we decided to just stay there and sign for another 12 months, it was pretty quiet for down town and we wanted to stay in the area, I swear they started the construction 2 weeks after we signed the contract… But we’re moving on the 12th to a really cute apartment in a quiet neighborhood and I’m oh so happy about that. It’s 1 and 1/2 bedrooms, ground floor, hardwood floor in the bedroom (so cool!), it has a little garden and it’s 2 minute walk to the promenade. So there is hope. Going home to crawl under the duvet and sob softly till I feel relief.


Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon, Sarah! Right now I am in bed with horrible allergies (a possible cold?) and am worried I won't feel better in time for New Year's Eve. Have some tea with honey for your throat. I always try to drink some horrible-tasting elixir from the drugstore, too. And Thera-Flu if I'm REALLY desperate.

SarahReznor said...

thank you sweety! i hope you feel better already. i think if i see another cup of tea i'll scream!