Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Blackwell's worst-dressed women of 2005

This makes me happy.

"Pop singer Britney Spears Tuesday topped an annual Hollywood worst-dressed list compiled by a fashion designer who called her an "over-the-hill Lolita."

Mr Blackwell's list, which also slammed starlets Mary-Kate Olsen, Jessica Simpson, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton, summed up 2005 as a particularly bad year for 'couture chaos, wardrobe wrecks and stylistic sleaze.'"

I would just like to point out that Anna Nicole Smith is number 7. You really gotta try to dress worst than her and they all made it!

1 comment:

Lizzle said...

As happy as I was about the worst dressed list... Somehow Kirsten Dunst made the best dressed list, and she dresses like a homeless person who goes dumpster diving for clothes.