Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I think I’m having a mid-life crisis..!

I can’t believe you guys actually cared enough to notice I was gone… it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside but in a good way!

I guess I needed some time off. I felt like all I had to say was bad and stupid and I should just shut up. After a few stupid fights with hubby I realized I had to lighten up and get off my ass. Also finding a doctor who doesn’t think that acid reflux should is your fault and you should suffer helped a lot. I gotta say not having heartburn 24-7 kinda changes you perspective on life! I’m not joking, everybody, especially hubby is noticing the change in me. I didn’t know it was so bad.

Little dramas here and there. I’ve had one of those movie moments when you realize that your role model is not that great with my two older sisters. My sister R that didn’t want me to marry a non Jew and is married to a fucking asshole. And my sister H who’s first husband was bi-polar, like Mike and is resentful because I seem to be dealing with it better than she ever did.

Y’all know what’s been going on in my country. That’s not helping. It feels like we’re all going about our lives but at the same time we’re all holding our breathes waiting to hear bad new about Gilad.

It kinda all came crashing down. But I’m better now.

I’m making excuses. And I shouldn’t. I missed you guys!!! Please don’t punish me…


SarahReznor said...

thank you Deb :) that means a lot..

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back!

And I like the new template.

Lizzle said...

Deb is right, we did miss you, and we're glad to have you back! And don't let these crises get you down! You're tough. You can take it, and if you can't, you know where to find us!

SarahReznor said...

you guys rock... i'm gonna cry...