I had to leave work early yesterday to go the police station. Our car got stolen. The car we bought from AT 2 weeks ago. It was stolen in the middle of the afternoon from in front of our house in the middle of our nice neighborhood. I feel kinda like you feel when you get dumped - like you just got fucked over. And wait, the best part is - we're not insured... I know - it's just a car, it's just money - but it still sucks big hairy balls! I really liked the car too...
HI Sarah! So sorry to hear about your car getting stolen. I have friends who had their house broken into last week. The pigs stole two laptops, the keys to the car, plus the car. The gross part was that they were sleeping. Ewwww, creepy people broke into the house while they and their baby were sleeping!!! Ick.
BTW, they had renter's insurance and car insurance, but it doesn't look like all of the goods are going to be paid for. What a drag.
I switched my blog to the word verification thingy really early. I like it better than having to actually approve posts, and haven't had any problem with spam since then. Hope it works for you, too.
Some day you'll come to Tsfat and I'll show you my liquor collection. :0P.
liquor collection..??? awesome!!!
Hah, see, we do have something in common besides blogging ;).
I should have said, we could obliterate my liquor collection. Nothing too fancy, and a lot of it I bought two years ago when drinking every night while coding at the computer. Last summer I decided that as much as I love the drink, the calories were precipitating on my over 40 hips waaaaayyy to much.
Ever seen drinkalizer.com? Fun,fun,fun, plus nice photos.
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