The cease fire is like this really nervous silence when the principal is reading the note you were sent with. It’s just a matter of patience now, we know what's coming.
Today started off pretty fucking horrible, cat woke me up around 6, then cramps woke me up around 8. I remember having a dream where I can’t figure out which day it is. Then I woke up and it was Monday. Now I do work Sundays but since this is a US based company it’s pretty dead on Sundays, Mondays however - SUCK!
So with the thought of bad news on the way from the lawyer, I was pretty sure this day was gonna be the worst day yet, but surprisingly I’m having an okay day. Cramps aren’t so bad and it’s pretty dead in my department anyway, the lawyer said he won’t have news till tomorrow so it kinda feels like a stay of execution.
Went to see mother in law this morning and she’s already sorting out the house and getting ready to leave. I had to use all my strength not to cry. This is the house where Mike and his sisters basically grew up and it’s always been a shelter for them. I can’t imagine how we’re going to make it without them there, hubby and I actually moved to the neighborhood to be close to them. Not to mention I will have to do Thanksgiving and Christmas ourselves and it just won’t be the same and I don’t even have an oven...
On Wednesday the Sector will be 1 year old and it’s kinda funny how it snuck up on me, lets hope this doesn’t happen with my kids! I wanted to do something special but I still haven’t decided what. We’ll see.
I wish it would rain.
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
5 weeks ago
Having carry out for the holidays might not be bad. Try to keep your spirits up, your inlaws might be staying. Lawyers can do amazing things nowadays.
Wow, a year old! I say beer all day for everyone!
I imagine the waiting is the hardest part. Just remember to be strong for them, and cry when they arent looking. Man, how does Mike feel about it?
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