"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring."
Chuck Palahniuk
Monday, February 12, 2007
I'm so glad he moved out...
So AT’s mom comes home with a new shovel. Puzzled he asks her "what’s the shovel for?" She says it’s for planting strawberries. He thinks about it for a second "you don’t need a shovel to plant strawberries, you need a hoe… what do you need the shovel for?" so she turns around and says "leave me alone I don’t want to tell you!"
Oh my, that is a little scary there. lol Watch your back!
Did she have duct tape and a new rug or lots of garbage bags too? Yikes.
I'm sure she just got the wrong gardening tool....
Has she also bought some adult diapers lately?
Just wonderin'.....
She's totally digging your grave. bwaaahahahahhaha.
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