Older people always talk about music in their younger years like that was the only time worth being alive in, hell we’ve all heard the Woodstock speech more times than we can count. I don’t want to be one of these people, I don’t think I am because I’m always buying new music and looking for the next new favorite band. Sometimes it seems like all I’m doing is trying to find this feeling again, you know - when you first here Led Zeppelin’s Babe I’m Gonna leave you or for me personally Pearl Jam’s Even Flow or Alice in Chains’ Angry Chair. It’s like I’m chasing that moment constantly, and sometimes if I’m luck y I find it, like when I heard The Subliminal Verses for the first time. Musicgasm! So yeah, I was alive when Seattle was at its best. I hate the term grunge because its bogus bullshit made up by record labels. I thought Nirvana were great and was looking forward to hearing them grow up. And I felt completely numb when I heard about Kurt. It wasn’t the sound though, it was being 17 and feeling like you’re witnessing something that is changing musical history. I get angry when younger people talk about ‘grunge’ and that Nirvana were the kings of grunge music, I wanna tell them they don’t know shit. But then when I start talking they look at me like I looked at this guy I knew that saw the Ziggy Stardust farewell concert. With big thirsty envy eyes. Seattle is the most honest pure music I’ve ever heard. It is pure music. No bullshit, no synths, no fucking makeup on stage. And to be honest and at the risk of sounding like an old hippie – I haven’t had that kind of Musicgasm since.
I HATE GRUNGE!!! IT KILLED MY HAPPY FUN TIME ROCKER MUSIC OF THE 80'S!!! But some Nirvana is alright. I'll give it it's due for bringing back emotion to music - BUT GIVE ME A SONG ABOUT T & A ANY DAY!!
I like hairbands too! :(
Okay, well. I do like some grunge and dark type shit, but overall I just feel like it killed my good time glam rock. Somewhat. :)
Glam rock on the order of Bowie, Queen, and other peers of equal calibre really was a spectacular time in musical history. I don't blame Kurt Cobain or the actual "Grunge bands" for the death of glam rock... I miss it though.
*sigh* Ruined my Saturday night glam fest watching Headbangers Ball grunge did!!!! But, I will say that in my ripe old age of 32 (soon to be 33), I'm beginning to appreciate all music more. Dylan, Rush (prog-rock in general), grunge...all of it really ties together when you really dig into it so I'm branching out more. However, I don't think there is much out there today for the youth that really truly says something. I'm sorry, but EMO blows!!! I can't stand these fake little "punk" bands like Good Charlotte, every girl sounds like fucking Britney Spears, Avril is a posur, you get the drift....
i agree - there's nothing for teenagers today. i've always listened to EVERYTHING, seriously. people make fun of me because i'm supposed to be a goth and i listen to hip hop too! i cant stand pop though. especialy now, in the 80's it was kinda fun!
It will come again, I swear. Music always comes and goes in cycles - I feel like we've been in a vortex the last little while so I'd say we're about do!
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