Thursday, June 14, 2007

More Shoes...

So I had a rough week, I guess it’s getting used to the new schedule, plus the bosses were here all week breathing down our necks, also I forgot to tell AP who was working with me got fired for flipping out at his wife’s boss for firing her last week so I have a lot more shit to do and I’m in charge to my supervisor so I have to keep up appearances. That’s kinda cool, I was really bored and frustrated at work and this is getting me more interesting shit to do. But also a bit more pressure.

Anyway, hubby’s stress level is better but not great, we’ve been fighting a lot and he’s got Uveitis again, (Wikipedia - Uveitis specifically refers to inflammation of the middle layer of the eye. Uveitis is estimated to be responsible for approximately 10% of the blindness in the United States. Uveitis requires an urgent referral and thorough examination by an ophthalmologist, along with urgent treatment to control the inflammation.) he had it 2 year ago and spent 5 weeks in the hospital because of it. Last night he decided it would be a good idea to have some beer when that the last thing he should. That shit is directly linked to the immune system and if there are 2 things that fuck up your immune system it’s stress and alcohol. I got so mad I couldn’t see straight. But we worked it out and I think he realized he takes a lot out on me and he needs to stop. We really need a vacation…

So I had lunch at the bar before I left for work and spend some time with him. On the way to the bus I realized all the sitcoms in the world were right and shoe shopping makes you feel better about everything. So I got these… in my defense they were on sale and I didn’t get the red ones or the green ones thought I really wanted them too…
One more thing - hubby's dad just got a new digital camera so i'm getting his - yay!!! that means more pics for y'all and not those crappy phone ones!


Brunhilda said...

Very cute sandals! Dig them.

Is everyone's work sucking? Damn.

So sorry about hubby. It is so hard to make them take care of themselves, eh. He's in my thoughts.

Paula D. said...

Cute shoes :-)

Summer said...

Awesome on the new camera! I love new techie toys.

Shoe shopping solves all the worlds problems. It really does!

SarahReznor said...

jess - thanks for the thoughts :) and yes - all work sucks.

paula - hi! and thank you :)

summer - spend all weekend taking pictures of the cat to figure out how to work it LOL! i agree aout the shoe shopping :)