Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Reunions and Soft Tacos

Been SO busy at work… 3 people were sick Monday and Tuesday so we had double the work… but I won’t bitch! Okay maybe a little bit…

Hubby is starting the day shift Sunday – I am so happy! That means he will be home around 9pm every day, instead of 6am! I am so sick of being alone in that house, you have no idea…

Tomorrow there’s a half spontaneous Blue Hole reunion. I use to be there all the time and met hubby there. Should be fun, I hope to get off work early. Only thing I’m worried about is that bitch that started the rumors about me (pregnant and drinking, hubby cheated on me, I’m gay – you get the idea) apparently – ready for this? She’s pregnant! Ha ha! Coming to a pub reunion with a baby bump – karma is fun. This will go nicely with the 5 kilos I lost… I’m such a bitch.

Got some work related stories but I don’t have the energy right now… methinks I’ll be going to the Mike’s tonight for some beer and soft tacos. Should I?


Brunhilda said...

Go for the beer and soft tacos! Get that five pounds back. lol.

Isn't it so wonderful when those who have done us wrong get theirs. Hee hee.

SarahReznor said...

first of all - that 5 KILOS - about 12 of your pounds! and those chicken tacos are actually pretty low fat, grilled chicken, lettuce, tomatoe and whatever dressing you want.

Brunhilda said...

Oh shit - that's great. Congratulations to you. Quick, make me feel better - how much is 23 pounds. I wanna put it in kilos! It shall make me seem all that more accomplished for losing it! lol I'm stuck, but I can still increase the number if I use kilo's. lol I had a soft chicken taco for lunch, thanks. Kay, the bacon and ranch dressing totally added some calories. lol

SarahReznor said...

23 pounds is about 11 kilos. i had a bit of ranch dressing too...

Brunhilda said...

Wheeee 11 kilos. Just sounds so fancy. lol.