Sunday, June 24, 2007

So... Hot...

Aaaahhh…. Nothing like waking up with a headache 2 days in a row… We’re having one of those Israeli heat waves… Its 37c meaning about 99 f or something close, 122 f in Eilat. And here in Jerusalem 11% humidity, meaning the moisture is actually being sucked out of your body! Seriously… On days like these the news ends with a message to drink a lot of water and don’t do any unnecessary physical activity. They cancel trips and outings at schools and the army suspends training till the heat wave passes. Went to mike’s and had a huge salad for lunch, it’s the only thing I can eat in this weather. That and watermelon, watermelon straight from the fridge… Yummy…
So as I keep saying hubby and I are super stressed and really need some time off and since we can’t afford it I had and idea. Nir’s parents have a house in Rosh Pina, we went there last year for a couple of days and had a great time. It a beautiful house with a huge wooden porch and a big barbeque. There’s a hot tub on the porch and it’s 30 minutes away from the Kineret (sea of galiilee, where JC walked on water). And it’s so quiet… There’s a tiny pub there too in case we get bored. So we took 3 days off work and are leaving next Saturday night (the 7th) with Nir and another friend. I can’t wait! Except there is one thing I have to do before we go – buy a bikini (Insert blood curdling scream here)... I gain some weight since my last one and I tried in on last night and it looked like it was about to pop! But I’m working on it… I promise! Speaking of which I went running last night – BAD idea… WAY too hot for that, I almost passed out!!!

So anyway I’m back at work and even thought I wanna go home, I’m gonna wait for the sun to go down…!!!


Paula D. said...

Wow, I was sweating just reading those temperatures! Drink plenty of liquids & try to stay cool.

Anonymous said...

First off - does the heat give you headahces too!?!?!?! OH MAN, ME TOO - almost everyday during summer I have a headache :( Heat and rapid changes in the weather ALWAYS give me headaches :( Of course, while it's humid as all shit & sweltering here, it's not even CLOSE to the temps YOU'RE experiencing! Stay hydrated, indeed!

Now, for this: 30 minutes away from the Kineret (sea of galiilee, where JC walked on water).

BWHAHAHAHAHA OH MAN, THAT SOUNDED SO CASUAL, like "That guy who runs the store on the corner", like, "oh yeah, that JC dude who walked on water....' LOLOLOLOL F*CKIN' HELL that made me laugh LOLOLOLOLOL

THIRD - bikini - *shudder* haven't worn one since I was 16 - I hadn't fully developed yet, so I was a small boobed, skinny squirt. Cut to one year later, I'm 50 pounds heavier, have DDs and am 5ft 7.5 in tall - PUBERTY IS A BITCH MAN LOL
So yeah, it's one pieces for me! LOL

HAVE A BLAST IN ROSH PINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully you can take some pics for us, because it sounds beautiful! (I know you aren't going for a while, but still....LOLOLOL)

SarahReznor said...

LOLOLOL!!! I love you Jenn...!

biblical stuff is pretty casual here - sorry :) I mean - I live in freaking Jerusalem man!

I will take pictures - dont worry! ugh... another 11 days... I cant wait...

p.s. it's still fucking hot... i broke down and turned on the AC this morning... even though we're poor...

Bloody Whore said...

Wow....that's serious heat.

I'll wait for the pictures!

Brunhilda said...

Fucking hotness sucks. The heat and changes in temp like that give me raging headaches too. I feel for you.

Bikini shopping. **shudders** Good luck with that.

Have fun on the trip!