*Except he promised he’ll be back.
So it happened. I saw NIN live. I never thought I would, really. I don’t even know where to start. I think I’m still taking it in. I cried already 4 times today!
So Alex and I drove to Tel Aviv, I fucking hate that fucking town. It was so hot and humid and ugh! We got there way too early but that gave us time to chill and have a bite. We bought T-shirts and pins, I got on of those T-shirts with all the tour dates including that of last night – I had to! We met up with Ariane, I’m so glad she was with us, it would’ve sucked without her. I’m so happy that I’m talking to her again, but that’s for another day. Nir and Itay were there and half of J-town, almost everyone I know! It was a small venue but that made it better.
The show was fucking awesome! Best night of my life. I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I danced. Half the time I could believe I was there and the other half it felt like I was finally home.
OMFG, Trent… I thought I loved him before…!!! He was so great and hot (OMG, OMG, OMG…) and amazing and I would’ve left with him if he let me! Especially with all the crap going on in my life (and in me) it would’ve been a really easy decision to make, I tell ya! LOL! No seriously, he was just fucking perfect. Some people said it wasn’t like it used to be because he’s not Mr. Self Destruct anymore but I don’t care and Ariane agreed with me, he’s clean and that means I can stop waiting for him to die and that he will keep making music. He kept saying thank you for having us and how much they loved it here, he said from now on they’re stopping here every time they tour, so I can’t die yet… Damn it..!
As I said, I’m still taking it in. But I think some time during “something I can never have” I remembered who I was. Or maybe it was when I was right in front of him and a he screamed a line right AT ME. I couldn’t feel my legs…
Oh one more thing, my friend Tzahi was there and got back stage because he writes for a paper, he shook his hand and talked to him a bit. Apparently Trent and the band came to J-town the day before the concert and loved it! They said they hated Tel Aviv, it was hot and ugly (which it is) and they loved Jerusalem! They visited the old city and shit. Damn! How did I miss that!!! I’m a great tour guide!!!
So it happened. I saw NIN live. I never thought I would, really. I don’t even know where to start. I think I’m still taking it in. I cried already 4 times today!
So Alex and I drove to Tel Aviv, I fucking hate that fucking town. It was so hot and humid and ugh! We got there way too early but that gave us time to chill and have a bite. We bought T-shirts and pins, I got on of those T-shirts with all the tour dates including that of last night – I had to! We met up with Ariane, I’m so glad she was with us, it would’ve sucked without her. I’m so happy that I’m talking to her again, but that’s for another day. Nir and Itay were there and half of J-town, almost everyone I know! It was a small venue but that made it better.
The show was fucking awesome! Best night of my life. I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I danced. Half the time I could believe I was there and the other half it felt like I was finally home.
OMFG, Trent… I thought I loved him before…!!! He was so great and hot (OMG, OMG, OMG…) and amazing and I would’ve left with him if he let me! Especially with all the crap going on in my life (and in me) it would’ve been a really easy decision to make, I tell ya! LOL! No seriously, he was just fucking perfect. Some people said it wasn’t like it used to be because he’s not Mr. Self Destruct anymore but I don’t care and Ariane agreed with me, he’s clean and that means I can stop waiting for him to die and that he will keep making music. He kept saying thank you for having us and how much they loved it here, he said from now on they’re stopping here every time they tour, so I can’t die yet… Damn it..!
As I said, I’m still taking it in. But I think some time during “something I can never have” I remembered who I was. Or maybe it was when I was right in front of him and a he screamed a line right AT ME. I couldn’t feel my legs…
Oh one more thing, my friend Tzahi was there and got back stage because he writes for a paper, he shook his hand and talked to him a bit. Apparently Trent and the band came to J-town the day before the concert and loved it! They said they hated Tel Aviv, it was hot and ugly (which it is) and they loved Jerusalem! They visited the old city and shit. Damn! How did I miss that!!! I’m a great tour guide!!!
It sounds like you had a wonderful time! How very exciting. Yay!
You have no idea... Kinda like you and Dave ;)
teehee cool! I was kinda like that when I saw Morrissey when I was 16........it's a weird, great, fucked up, fantastic, scary feeling...LOL!
He he.. couldn't have put it better myself... weird, great, fucked up, fantastic, scary.......
oh sarah, that's so awesome what you said about remembering yourself. it's amazing how music can just cut right to the very core of our souls. :)
I am so glad you had this night and this experience!!
I actually have not listened to NIN in years, but I have pretty hate machine and downward spiral. I remember being VERY struck by his lyrics when I was 19 - I listened to PHM about a dozen times in two days, just blown away.
I really need to listen to PHM again... I've had the memories of it in my head all day.
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