2. A haircut – really need one
3. Subscription to Bon Appetit magazine
4. Good Omens by Neil Gaiman
5. Clothes
6. A digital camera
7. Lost – the complete first season
8. Alien Quadrilogy
9. American Dad vol. 1
10. This Black Pearl Pendant
11. A babas au rhum cake from my mother
Thank you
speaking of bon apetit, which I love, have you ever been to Epicurious? It's all the recipies from Bon Apetit and Gourmet from the past 20 years, in searchable form, with comments from other cooks that have tried them. It's AWESOME.
And my little sister is OBSESSED with Neil Gaimen. You should check her out - she posts rarely, but still... Librarian Pirate
And I really hope I did those links right...
Good Omens was very well written! A quality read.
The necklace is very pretty!
I hope you get everything you wanted!
marcia - i LOVE epicurious - i get their recipe flash every week to my hotmail!
liz - me too! did you read American Gods.
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