Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fresh Air

I was really dreading this weekend – it was my nephew’s Bar Mitzvah weekend and the whole family was going away to a settlement called Elon Moreh (see map) in the middle of the Shomron overlooking the Arab town of Shchem. All of us together for a whole weekend except my oldest sister who’s daughter’s weekend off from the funny farm was better spent in the safety of their home (for us and her).

Anyway it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be! I must say I’m very proud of my family for not fighting at all! I got to spend some time with my new niece who was discharged last week and is doing great. And we took an amazing hike into the mountains and enjoyed a breathtaking view which I tried to capture with my phone (see pic). I don’t even wanna think about what our future prime minister has planned for this place and the fact that by next year we might not be allowed back.

I got hubby hooked on Kalaha or Mancala however you wanna call it and he just kept wanting to play! I thought the fresh air and exercise will kill that throat ache I’ve been dragging but it’s now going into my sinuses! Nevertheless I had a good time and came home tired but happy. That said I’m at work today and things are really slow so I’m happy and blogging my ass off!

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