So I got sick. Yep. Except it wasn’t a for real sick, I was just tired. Too tired to do anything except watch TV. I did enjoy the 2 days off work and did my best to ignore life outside my walls. That’s always fun. Work feels a lot better after a couple of days off. Plus Election Day is tomorrow so we have the day off (fully paid). Democracy rocks.
Mother in law’s birthday was a complete success, psycho sister in law did not make a scene, medications must be working finally. Mexican is yummy but not for my tummy. Years of alcohol abuse made it impossible for me to enjoy spicy food. Mark my words all you junior alcoholics! I miss Tabasco…
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
5 weeks ago
Sarah, I think I'm getting old. I had 3 drinks last night. And I was hung over ALL MORNING. What's wrong with me??
Upon further reflection, I think it's because the drinks were sugary white russians, not becuase I'm old. Ok, I can deal with that.
I'm a junior alcoholic, and I eat spicy stuff all the time... I figure that by the time I have to worry about a gaping hole in my gullet, modern medicine will have figured out a way to patch it up and send me on my way... I mean they made Star Jones Skinny, they can do anything!
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