Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday Bombings

Seriously if this is a war, can we just declare a state of emergency and go home? I was in town today yelling at the DMV to give my husband his drivers license already or I’ll burn the place down and by the time I got to work I heard they stopped a suicide bomber about 100 meters from where we were. Now it’s not the first time this happened but with the fact that most of the country is under siege doesn’t add to my peace of mind!!! Besides I don’t want to have a Monday.

AP says you don’t want that coz then they can declare martial law and you have curfews and you can’t do anything. Dude – welcome to Israel. The news reporters are standing in the middle of Haifa when everyone is suppose to be in shelters and reporting live as the missiles are falling around them! In Tveriah after the missiles fell yesterday all the kids from the neighborhood came to see what happened although the instructions were don’t leave the house. During the gulf war we all went to school with our gas masks, I don’t think we’re taking this seriously enough! But hey, it’s Israel.

We have a new cafeteria at work, until yesterday we had nasty catering leftovers that all tasted the same, sandwiches that tastes like feet and looked like someone sat on them and salad that had been in the fridge for days. We now have an awesome sandwich, pizza thing – everything is made right there – bread, pizzas and jebettas. The salads are fresh and the place is clean! I don’t know about you but it just makes the whole work thing a little less horrible.

I wish I was at the beach today…

No monkey sex today – PMS…


Summer said...

Reporters are nuts! I don't need to see the bombings to believe that they happen. Why don't they go somewhere safe?

Good food always makes everything better. Beach time will come, you'll just have to wait a little. By the way, what beach?

SarahReznor said...

people in that area are staying in bomb shelters since the begining but since its very random it's hard to know exactly what to do.

nitsanim beach - the most beautiful one in Israel. its actually down south. Ahziv is awesome too but that's north...