Tuesday, July 18, 2006

!!!יהיה בסדר (it'll be fine!!!)


Lizzle said...

Yes, I also find myself worrying about you! Please do everything you possibly can to stay out of harm's way!

Summer said...

Our news is saying that everything is getting worse. Mass evacuations and that Israeli troops have entered Lebanon. But, more bombs are still being sent in your direction all the time.

I can't stop thinking of everyone over there. Go somewhere safe! I never thought I could worry so much about people I have never actually met. Be safe!!!

TsfatMarm said...

Hi Sarah!
Aww, I decided to come visit you!! Never would I have thought that Jerusalem would be safer than Tsfat!

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I drop by yours all the time, too. I had noticed your long pause, but I'll tell you all the blogs from Israel that I read paused then, too. Maybe we were all feeling the build up.

I feel really bonded to you in an odd way. I found your blog when I searched blogger for "Israel", looking for other Israel bloggers. Our lives are really different, but that's what's so amazing about living here. Ever heard the Chaim Yisrael song "Ach Sheli"? Great song. Okay, my kids aren't punks ;).

I'm here at my SIL's, got the kids settled in to "routines" until the fit hits the shan here in J-salem. Like you, I think it's only a matter of time. I don't see anything changing to alter the course of what's building. And when they hit here, it isn't going to be katyushas.

I had wanted to stay in Tsfat (darn, I have NO pics of the katyusha damage in Tsfat), but hubby wouldn't leave without me. And there's no way we would have survived with all of us in house arrest.

In my crowd, we say that there are three things that can "tear up the evil decree": prayer, repentance, and charity. May we all merit to find a little inner strength to improve one aspect of ourselves, do a little good deed for someone, or help someone out just a little bit in order to change our whole world.

Love you, Sarah. Keep blogging, my sister.