Wow, the blog world is sad today – Deb is MIA, Marcia is disabled, Liz is too depressed to write and Summer is somewhere having a life. Didn’t wanna blog today but I felt like I had to!
I have nothing to report right now, had a HORRIBLE day at work yesterday and hubby was sick. Today is much better and so is hubby. Tomorrow I have the day off, we were suppose to have a goodbye party for the in laws but now it’s a “we’re so happy you’re not leaving” party.
I’m such a geek – Neil Gaiman is coming to the Icon sci-fi and fantasy convention and I’m all happy! I actually convinced NS to come with me, he said he didn’t want to go because he would feel like a total geek. The guy IS a total geek! He likes Stargate and fantasy dragon books! I’m gonna get all my books signed!
Later peeps!
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
1 month ago
Sorry I'm such a miserable piece of crap.
Have fun at the party and the convention!
Liz honey - you are not a miserable piece of crap. we all go through bad times and you just have to let it pass. yeah - it suck balls but it will get better.
Deb - i missed you!
I'm back and you're gone.
You'll have to report if people wore costumes to the Sci-Fi thingy. I love pics of people in costumes. I once saw a teal Yoda.
So, yeah, I promise to get back to work. (aka blogging and sitting around)
Liz you are not a piece of crap.
Deb - I still cant log onto your site. I have switched computers and everything. Arrgghh. I miss your site. Drat.
Sarah Rez- I want pics of your SciFi thingy. Sounds fun.
Ok, come back now. Show us some pictures. I think you might even be a day ahead of us, so you have no excuse.
I'm sitting right here and shaking my shit until you get back.
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