Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Cats and Bad Food

That’s it folks. It’s the end of the internet. We have nothing left to talk about. Having a cat I really understand what these guys are going for but actually spending your energy on this just seems ridiculous to me. It’s what we Israelis call a slow news day… (got this from nobich)

Company threw us a barbeque today to thank us for helping them reach profitability. Fuck a barbeque – give me cash! Anyway I got sick from the coleslaw and had a nice 20 minutes in the little girls room… thanks for nothing.

Family (well, hubby’s family) drama continues but I will not bore y’all with it, I personally got to that point where you just can’t talk about it anymore. How much shit can rain down on one family I dont get it... dont answer that. We’re going to need a long vacation after this…

Oh, one more thing – why cant Lohan just fucking die already?


Anonymous said...

Ok I blame you for me spending 30 minutes on the website, and what kind of pic can I take of my cat when I get home. Thanks alot!! :)

Marcia said...

Seriously, that girl needs to go away to a special corner of hell and never be heard from again!

SarahReznor said...

softball - be sure to send me that pic! i have to think of something cool to put on my cat...

Marcia - she does nothing! why is she so famous?!?!?! and who cares if she partys every night?!?!?! she's a nobody just like Paris!!!!