Oy… this is not a great day… was going to go shopping this morning but hubby wanted to go back to sleep so that didn’t work. Which is just as well coz I feel like a freak and my health is really bugging me lately. After 3 colds and a sinus infection I spent 2 weeks with back pains and now I got a cold sore on my upper lip, I look like one of those
Hitler cats… I don’t get it, I’m not stressed, I sleep enough, I eat healthier than ever… wtf is going on with me..? I’m not a vain person but I feel like a fool! My nose is all red and swollen, looks like I was stung by a bee... This is so depressing… I just got to work and I’m ready to go home. I’m pretty sure if the swelling doesn’t go down I will go home. Last time I had this my skin doctor forced me to stay home and rest. I remember she told me to go home and “do stuff you enjoy like reading or watching movies” apparently this shit gets worse if you’re stressed. This shit is the reason I’m stressed!!! Sorry if I grossed y’all out. Peace.
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