Okay here we go –
1.If any of y’all had bothered to click on one of the oh my god links you would’ve realized that Nine Inch Nails are working on a new album and that’s pretty fucking major for me..! I actually didn’t think they would ever make music again so I’m kinda ecstatic!
1.If any of y’all had bothered to click on one of the oh my god links you would’ve realized that Nine Inch Nails are working on a new album and that’s pretty fucking major for me..! I actually didn’t think they would ever make music again so I’m kinda ecstatic!
2. The weather is fucking awesome these days so I left the back door open and the cat was happily playing in the yard and then she disappeared. She does that sometimes so I just went to bed. When hubby came back around 3:30am she was still nowhere to be found so we went outside and started calling her. We started hearing this far away meow coming from the olive tree. Now you know those scenes where the firefighters have to get the cat out of the tree? In my experience if the cat got in the tree, it’ll get out of the tree. Well, not our Josie… she was on the highest branch, freaking out, I don’t know how she got there because we had to part a bunch of branches to get to her. So it’s 3:30am and hubby is climbing into the olive tree, I’m there in my PJ’s holding out my arms in case the feline falls out, she’s dumb enough to get in there. She’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer but we love her…
3. Bought a really cute corduroy jacket yesterday for peanuts! It’s dark green, army green kinda and it’s the softest thing… I love it! Got some shirts too, I love sales! I’m such a girl sometimes…
4. My birthday is coming soon (March 1st) everyone is asking me what I want but I don’t know…
I want Alien - the saga but I already asked for it a couple of times and was ignored.
I want a camera but it’s too expensive to demand as a birthday present.
I want a new pair of jeans but that’s something you have to buy yourself.
What I really want is a day off, some shopping and a nice dinner and I think I’m getting that :)
5. Ugh…. We had to pay a guy around $300 to fix our washing machine today…
6. I think it’s time for a recipe, don’t you?
I didn't even realize there were links, the colors looked so similar. Sorry! But, congrats on NIN. I like a few of their songs. And congrats on the kitty! I want an olive tree!! Wow, and can't you get a NEW washer for $300??! Holy cow!
Well, and you're still a tease :)
Ask for a gift card to your favorite store so you can pick out your own jeans! :)
Don't speak to me of new washers. I've got to call a plumber, everytime I use mine water backs up into the bathtubs and toilets. Not cool.
Ummmm, I would like to point out that I clicked the links and totally freaked out! YAAAAAAY!!! Bring on NIN!!!!!
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