It’s exam season and hubby has to work 6 days a week because AT is studying hard and has a second job. I get it but yesterday I started to feel like hubby and I were dating again! He’s asleep when I leave for work, I go to bed alone and he wakes me up for a few minutes when he gets home, that’s sucks a bunch. So I went to the bar last night and spent some time with him, he closed pretty early coz of the shitty weather and we went home together – yay!!! We got to be married again – if you know what I mean :)
I’ve added a few thing to the side bar - the Feed Your Head link list, a few book blogs I got to and you should all try them out. If y’all have any suggestions I’ll be happy to add some links to that list. I also added the book I am currently reading, don’t judge me if I don’t change it often, I’m a slow reader! I also added Mr. Turtle, if you watch My Name is Earl, you know what I’m talking about.
I have a few recipes to share so y’all pick a number between 1 and 3 and I will share.
Dating? What's that like. I only get stood up! I pick two! I came to check you out. Thanks for leaving me a comment. :)
Great, you're married and you're dating, and I'm single and can't get anyone to touch me with a 40 ft pole! (Although, doing anything with a 40 ft pole wouldn't be much fun...) I pick number 3!
(I couldn't make it a consensus by picking #2 because of its association with poo.)
JESSUCKA! YOU WHORE! You took my number!!!!
Fine...I'll go with 2.5.
Congrats to your hubby!
And I'm in the same boat as Lizzle.....grrr LOL
OH - and I pick 1.....just coz.....
HI Sarah!!
I'm dating, don't know if I wanna be married, but most likely yes, but I don't wanna bring up the marriage subject, lol lol
I pick # 1!
I pick 3, sounds like dessert. Which would make 1 a salad? And 2, well.. not dessert.
Congrats on the great sex! Oh, was it great sex? Will there be photos later?? Wow, videos? Great! Keep up the good work!!
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