With hubby at work last night I decided to catch up with some chick flicks. I’m really not a girl when it comes to movies, I like action, horror anything scary and fast with explosions and blood. But once in a while I have to humor my girl brain and do something really girly.
So I got Mean Girls and The Devil Wears Prada. Some of you may disagree with me but I thought both those movies sucks big time. I watched them all the way and I was left with this empty feeling like, what was I doing just now?
First thing I realized is I really hate Lohan and I really want her to die or at least stop being herself. She plays a very convincing bitch, I wonder why. Especially the part with the Christmas talent show where she lets her inner slut shine. I also noticed those movies are exactly the same! Both about a nice nerdy girl who gets caught up in the glamour world and ends ups fucking up her life only to realize it’s not worth it. One is for teenagers and the other one for 20 somethings. About The Devil Wears Prada – I don’t get what the hype was about. Merrill Streap has like one expression the whole movie and I’m sorry if I’m suppose to have sympathy for her but I really don’t. She neglected her family and sold out her friend – nice role model.
So maybe it’s me but I really didn’t see the point of those movies.
Thoughts anyone?
So I got Mean Girls and The Devil Wears Prada. Some of you may disagree with me but I thought both those movies sucks big time. I watched them all the way and I was left with this empty feeling like, what was I doing just now?
First thing I realized is I really hate Lohan and I really want her to die or at least stop being herself. She plays a very convincing bitch, I wonder why. Especially the part with the Christmas talent show where she lets her inner slut shine. I also noticed those movies are exactly the same! Both about a nice nerdy girl who gets caught up in the glamour world and ends ups fucking up her life only to realize it’s not worth it. One is for teenagers and the other one for 20 somethings. About The Devil Wears Prada – I don’t get what the hype was about. Merrill Streap has like one expression the whole movie and I’m sorry if I’m suppose to have sympathy for her but I really don’t. She neglected her family and sold out her friend – nice role model.
So maybe it’s me but I really didn’t see the point of those movies.
Thoughts anyone?
Haven't seen Prada, but I have seen Mean Girls - I enjoyed it, but didn't think it was the brilliant movie everyone else did. TOTALLY agree re: Lohan - in fact, I thought she was the worst thing about that movie. Rachel McAdams and the other blonde plastic (can't remember her name hehe) were the 2 best things about it.
the plastics were awesome - i liked them better than the rest - they were just so funny!
Yeah, I saw Mean Girls for the first time over Christmas, and was not at all impressed... And then I became bitter because she was essentially being highly paid to act like she does every other day. Still haven't seen Prada, and I'm not exactly running out to track it down any time soon.
Haven't seen Prada, I've heard great things about it, but I just don't know why I get the feeling I'll get bored watching it.
Mean girls was great! it was soo fetch, lol.
I enjoyed Mean Girls, but don't like Lohan at all. Hot Chick is still my favorite silly teenage girl movie. Prada was alright.
Have you seen Deja Vu? With Denzel Washington? I keep going on about it this weekend, but I saw it Saturday and really enjoyed it. And there is blowing up, and bad guys and fire and people dying.. so you might like it :)
we downloaded deja vu and the departed to watch this weekend, it's GUY NIGHT! yay!
Haven't seen Prada...but, the Lindsey Lohan should have been the first clue for the Mean Girls!
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