1. I like watching American Idol for the same reasons I like reading celeb gossip blogs -
a) It makes me feel better about myself – I’m not a total loser, after all I didn’t dress up in yellow fluff and lie about my age just to be on TV.
b) I like seeing how delusional people are about themselves. Kinda like Paris thinks she’s pretty and Gwen thinks she’s a fashion icon. Oh and Jell-O thinks she can sing. And dance.
c) It’s a fun distraction from the shit that’s going on in my homeland.
d) There’s nothing else on.
e) Paula’s a drunk and Simon’s needs to get laid. And Randy is like the kid at Thanksgiving trying to keep his parents from fighting. That’s just fun to watch!
2. I wanna tell you a bit about what’s on the news here in Israel.
The president (it’s not like the US president – it’s mostly a ceremonial position) is on trial for rape.
The minister of justice was just found guilty of molesting an intern.
The prime minister is under investigation for "influencing" certain parties when privatizing the Bank of Israel. He is also under investigation for taking bribe, well they call it "favors" while building his palace in Jerusalem.
Some bitch in the government I don’t remember what she does, she’s being investigated for "recommending" people to certain highly influential job within the tax authority.
The entire army is under investigation because of the war.
I dont know how to react anymore...
3. I want Koobe. I'm getting some tomorrow and I dont care.
4. This is the longest week of my life.
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
5 weeks ago
Wow, the hell with all that, I shall come get you, take you out and have a few drinks! ;)
I'm back! I'm back! Well, kind of.
I like Rachel McAdams but, I agree with the pink part of her hair. Otherwise, she would be the hotness in that pic!
Sorry about the state of things over there. I know that the Koobe will fix it all! : )
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