So I had a great day so far! Hubby and I went to lunch and I totally surprised him with a cool present – a really awesome pocket knife with a holster that fits on his belt. He was so happy, and a bit upset coz he didn’t get me anything but I didn’t want him to get me anything coz he already bought me a wooden jewelry box and a big candle a couple of weeks ago in Arab land (when he went to get his birth certificate). Anyway, we had yummy sandwiches and then I got a stomach ache (not from the sandwiches my tummy’s been bad all week since the Saturday night Jager incident) and we went to the pharmacy to get some pills. Then we went to this store we like that had a big sale, we got hubby a jacket and me 4 shirts and a hoody for something like 280nis ($65). I needed clothes so bad and I was waiting for my birthday to get some but hey. Shopping fun!!! Then I had to go to Work...
Question: WTF is so exciting about Pete Doherty? He’s ugly as fuck, his music sucks balls and all he does is get high or arrested. It’s like watching a really slow, boring and predictable car crash. So why are people so obsessed with him? Is it because he’s dating Kate Moss? I don’t get it!
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
1 month ago
Oh, congrats on the shopping. Sounds fun. I love new clothes. As for Pete, I don't know. It's kind of like an accident, you don't want to look, yet you can't look away.
I love shopping...especially when I get stuff!
Pete doherty...I could literally care less. I'm so disturbed by the fact that the courts do nothing to him that if he died tomorrow, I wouldn't bat an eye at it.
Glad you had a great day!
Pete - car crash, + Kate Moss = his "popularity"
Eh... eew. You totally lost me at 'sucks balls'. Eggghhh. :)
Hate the Pete.
Love the shopping! My V-Day was good as well. Someday I'll get back to posting. I'm in the middle of the big change to wordpress. UGGH!
Your V-Day sounds awesome!
Mine ended up sorta sucking....but I'm past it now.
I have NEVER understood the fascination with Pete Doherty.
Or Kate Moss, for that matter.
OK, in thinking on it, the whole giving your loved one a knife on Valentine's Day sounds like the plot of a horror flick. Nothing says 'I love you' like a 6" blade? I'm worried :)
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