Once in a while we all have to vent, so here I go -
Brangelina – maybe if you stayed home once in a while and didn’t drag those poor kids around the globe, the paparazzis would leave you alone!
The whole Anna Nicole thing – can they just get a fucking DNA test already? Personally I think she was just telling whoever had spare drugs at the time he was the father. And another thing – I’m not an expert, but the way Anna came out – do not give that baby to her mother.
Pete Doherty – do us a favor and OD on something.
Kim Mathers – try not cheating next time.
WHO THE FUCK IS BAI LING?!?!?!?! AND WHERE DID SHE COME FROM?!?! (if any of you say China, I'm coming over to kick some ass.)
Why is Posh Beckham still being photographed? She does nothing! She’s like the only spice girl NOT to have even and attempt at a solo career and she’s getting all the attention! For what?!?!?
Much better... Thanks for listening :)
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
1 month ago
I can't believe they're making a movie about ANS...WHY? what did she do? she was a junkie and a ho, that's it, she would have sucked George Bush's dick if he offered her a xanax and 10 bucks. SHe's dead, let her rest in peace, and pleaaaseeee....let us all FORGET about the FUCK UP that was her life. GEE.
Please, you knew that movie was already being written the day she croaked.
I agree with everything you say Sarah. It's to the point where I can't watch tv anymore.
Kim Mathers – try not cheating next time.
Is it true they're getting back together - AGAIN!??!?!?!? For someone who is supposed to be so smart, Eminem is really dumb....
BTW - Posh DID attempt a solo career. I even downloaded one of her songs to hear what it was like. VERY done up in the studio, if you know what I mean. Her solo career just tanked, because she cannot sing. I LOVE Posh, but NOT for her singing (or inability of) LOL
You are so funny :) And so angry! :) I think the ANS thing is retarded. She doesn't come even close to being like Marilyn Monroe... how many movies did ANS make that anyone watched? Next they'll want to make a movie about Paris' life! Seriously.
Pete Doherty, what a waste of life. Wasn't it you that said his music was like sucking balls or something? I'm still trying to rid myself of that visual.
I don't know who Kim is.
Bai Ling is a party girl... and the least annoying of all of them in my opinion. She's sort of a free spirit, she has kinda grown on me ;) Like a plague, but still.
Posh, boring.
And Angelina, I am at least glad they keep their children with them. They can't really help it that the Paparazzi have nothing better to do than chase them around. It would really suck to be famous.
And that's my opinion on the whole thing. Now, go and make me some freakin' dinner! :) XOXO
You are so funny :) And so angry! :) I think the ANS thing is retarded. She doesn't come even close to being like Marilyn Monroe... how many movies did ANS make that anyone watched? Next they'll want to make a movie about Paris' life! Seriously.
Pete Doherty, what a waste of life. Wasn't it you that said his music was like sucking balls or something? I'm still trying to rid myself of that visual.
I don't know who Kim is.
Bai Ling is a party girl... and the least annoying of all of them in my opinion. She's sort of a free spirit, she has kinda grown on me ;) Like a plague, but still.
Posh, boring.
And Angelina, I am at least glad they keep their children with them. They can't really help it that the Paparazzi have nothing better to do than chase them around. It would really suck to be famous.
And that's my opinion on the whole thing. Now, go and make me some freakin' dinner! :) XOXO
Pete Doherty needs to die, far away in a undisclosed place, where TV crew can't reach him, so NOBODY makes a movie about his life, or a show, or put his body on the news, please, I'm going crazy here, stop the madness.
"Personally I think she was just telling whoever had spare drugs at the time he was the father" - OMG. To funny. I agree with the whole misassement of ANS. She is NOTHING like MM. A faint physical resemblence, but that's it.
Oh, and you must check out Go Fug Yourself's archives for the posts on Bai Ling. She has her own section. Good stuff.
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