So, I kinda had the best weekend ever. It started a bit shaky though, woke up Friday feeling like I got hit by a bus… I managed to get myself to the supermarket before it closed. I had this headache for 3 days I couldn’t get rid of. In the end, Excedrin to the rescue. I started feeling a bit better and we went to my parents’ for dinner. My mom’s couscous fixed everything, of course. We even walked home. Saturday was awesome, we spent about 2 hours gardening. I planted a bunch of bulbs I hope the cats won’t dig up. Who knew spending 2 hours rolling around in mud could make you feel so alive? Then we made pizza, *drool* and watched heroes, CSI, my name is earl and lost. Except for the part when hubby went to work, it was the best weekend ever.
Got some material today to make a punk baby blanket for friends of ours. It’s going to be awesome! Got red and black fleece, I will try to take pictures as I make it. I also wanna make the kid a stuffed animal. I made a blue bunny yesterday, took me a couple of hours and I inhaled a lot of fake fur but it came out cool. Hubby really liked it so I gave it to him.
Everyone is talking about Brit Brit so I feel obligated to say something. If anyone had a doubt before, this is proof. That poor girl has lost her grip. The partying was just denial that the douche bag wasted her life and destroyed her career. She fired the entire support system she’s had for what, 15 years? By hanging out with Paris she just tried to justify what she was doing as if it was all normal. Now, shaving her head like that, and some people are saying this is a new start, I’ve seen it before, it means she needs to be on suicide watch.
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
1 month ago
Ok, I AM DYING to know if it was you guys that got pulled over on the road in Jerusalem for doing the naughty!? I laughed when I saw it on the news.
1. NOTHING cures my headaches like Excedrin. SO many people always say "oh tylenol's the best" - then they try Excedrin & THEN they believe me ;) Glad your headache went away!
2.a "punk baby blanket"!?!??! Oh, you HAVE to include pics LOL!
3. I totally agree re: suicide watch for Britney. Until yesterday's news, I was quite enjoying her downward spiral. But that was when I thought she was just a drunken whore. Now that I have ZERO doubt that it's actually a mental illness thing, well, now I feel bad for her, and a little scared, to be honest. Hope she gets the help she VERY OBVIOUSLY needs :(
no it was not us!!! but i see where your head is summer!!! LOL! we dont even have a car anymore :(
How fun, a punk baby blanket. Yes, you must share. Glad you had a good weekend. And yes, excedrin is the shit. I love that stuff. As for Britney, meh, I don't care anymore.
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