Thursday, March 08, 2007

It's Been a Long Week...

1. Don’t feel very interesting lately, don’t have much to talk about.

2. I’m gearing up for hubby’s birthday next month and it’s smack in the middle of Passover. We’re going to have a big barbeque with all his friends and what’s left of his family. I also want to take him to this place. But that all depends on whether the police will be kind enough to give AT his license back and not take it away for 2 years… Seriously the minimum punishment for a DUI here is taking your license away for 2 years. they should put that on the adds for drunk driving!

3. the weather is absolutely amazing today and I’m hoping it’ll be like this the whole weekend coz it really pisses me off to be in this mustard colored cubicle with the AC running instead of enjoying the sun and the fresh air.

4. the whinny girl from Chile is coming back Sunday – it was so quiet here god damn it! Except for that racist Argentinean whore a few cubes down that doesn’t have a speaking voice and doesn’t understand the letter H. Don’t get me started on the British guy who complains constantly.

5. I need a vacation

6. Why are paparazzis taking pictures of Kirsten Dunst? What has she done to deserve it? Was there a scandal I missed? Is she fucking someone famous? She’s just blah…


Brunhilda said...

Pasty is what she is. I mean, I'm pale, but damn. Sorry to hear you are blah. Life is good here. I can smell spring in the air and I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that was Kristen Dunst lol

Yeah, I can't rag on her paleness, I'm just as pale, if not worse - BUT THEN AGAIN, IF SHE'S AT THE BEACH, THEN WHY IS SHE STILL.....

ah nevermind LOL

Hope you get that vacation soon ;)

I need one too......*sigh*

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of restaurants here called Black Angus. In fact, I think they even have the same bull on the logo.

*runs to look up Black Angus*

Lizzle said...

Umm, how does someone grasp the rest of the language, and forget the letter H? I mean I know it's not the most frequently used letter in the alphabet, but it's hard to do without it!

As for feeling blah, I think a lot of people are going through that at the moment. I think it'll change as the weather continues to improve!

And Kiki? I don't understand anyone's fascination with her. When I met her, she was dressed like a total slob, and she's quite unattractive in person.