Thank you all for the birthday wishes – you guys are so sweet! Thanks Scissors for the NIN tracks, I’m so nervous I don’t know if I can hear them yet…
Anyway, my birthday was awesome. Thursday was mostly cleaning and shopping, which wasn’t too bad coz hubby helped and I love shopping with him. Besides the best thing about that day was the fact that I wasn’t at work! By the time my family arrived I was ready for a nap! But everyone had a great time, my brothers and brother in law brought beers and my Dad got a bit drunk and wouldn’t stop telling everyone how much fun he’s having – he’s sweet! I bought a cake, kind of a cake, it was basically a big thing of chocolate mouse covered in chocolate! I think it’s called a chocolate bomb. It was SO good…
One thing I did notice though was the absence on brightly colored packages, but I found out why later. They all sat me down and told me they have something to tell me. Hubby explained the reason no one brought gifts (except my sisters who bought me a scarf and scented candles) is because they all got together and bought me A KITCHENAID MIXER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it! I still can’t believe it!!! I’ve always wanted one and I asked for a mixer for Xmas but I NEVER thought I was going to get a Kitchenaid!!!!! I am SO happy!!! They didn’t have it right then because AT was suppose to buy it the next day and give it to me then so I have to act surprised too. Which wasn’t hard because I was so psyched! I am not kidding you guys – I almost cried when I saw the thing… but I already had 2 beers and a chaser in me so I just jumped around a lot.
So Friday was great, Hubby didn’t drink at all (he’s on antibiotics because of a tooth thing poor baby) so I let myself get pretty drunk on beers and Martinis and had a great time doing that! NS made it his mission to get AT’s girlfriend drunk, the poor girl had about 5 or 6 shots of something I don’t remember (except it was clear and sticky and smelled like bad oranges) and the poor girl ended up in the bathroom with her head in the toilet... on the way back we got stopped by the cops… AT failed the breathalyzer and they took his license away for 30 days… he’s got to go to court in April. How many times did I tell him not to drink so much before driving?!?! You know, I feel bad for him but he needs to stop acting like a suicidal teenager! Hubby drove us away from the cops (his license expired but at least he wasn’t drunk!) and I got to bed drunk as a skunk at 5:30am. Hubby said any birthday that ends with the cops was a good birthday!
The next we made pizza with my new toy and just lazed around. I did start the punk baby blanket! I have to take picturess. One side is red, the other black with red stars on it, I’m embroidering the black side with red now. fun!
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
1 month ago
happy birthday! I think any birthday that ends with the cops is one for the record books.
I love pizza but unfortunately wheat hates I have a special affinity for those who can enjoy it!
Hubby said any birthday that ends with the cops was a good birthday
THat's what I always say about parties! I always say "IT isn't really a party until the cops show up or someone gets naked" LOL
SO glad you had a great birthday, ESPECIALLY since you weren't really too sure you would as per your previous post hehehe
Good stuff! ;)
I'm so glad you had a good birthday. I know you were feeling icky prior to it. But, hey, you got yourself a brand new, shiney, Kitchenaid! I have one and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! Just wait til you get all the fun attachments for it!!!!
I'm glad you had a good birthday too. Gah, isn't it sad when we start to get excited over things like mixers. lol
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