Okay, I think I’m ready to talk now. I had a really bad week at work and altogether, I’m so glad I’m close to the end… work was a fucking nightmare this week, non stop! Now, one of the things I like about this job is there is a lot of down time usually but this week – hell! I keep thinking there’s got to be a job in this town that isn’t so fucking frustrating and stressing. I feel like a rat in a maze sometimes. I’ve been saying this place is part of an experiment – they give us new info every day, within 1 work day everything can change – company policy, everything! And it keeps getting worse! I’ve been suspecting that since they moved us to a new, smaller space and put cameras everywhere…
Hubby and I were fighting about stupid stuff but I think we worked it out. The bar is going through a lot of major changes, they’re giving it a huge facelift and changing a lot in the kitchen. This means hubby has more responsibilities, which is great but very stressing and I keep trying to make sure he doesn’t fly off the handle too much. (He’s bi-polar in case y’all didn’t know and I have to be on the alert for symptoms all the time, I’m getting really good at it after 3.5 years). He’s been losing his patience with me lately because he’s ‘up’ and I’m on his case to relax and shit, and he NEVER does that, he’s always so patient with me and we never fight! I’m taking all this really hard coz I feel like shit about everything lately anyway, you can imagine this is a bad combination! Anyway, I think we worked through it, I decided to stay off his case and monitor from afar. And he decided to be a little more patient with me. And I promised myself I will stop overreacting about everything, that’s a little harder to do…
I also went to the OBGYN yesterday, I’m usually really okay with these check ups but I was really out of it yesterday, the whole thing was really painful… He took a swab (know what I mean…?) and the whole day I felt like I had a fucking staple in my uterus! Ugh… but the good news is I’m healthy and as he put ‘fit for service’ as far as babies are concerned, LOL!
Anyway, I’m tired and I wanna sleep for a week. Gonna make a nice home cooked dinner tomorrow and watch 300 with my man.
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
5 weeks ago
Wow. I was wondering what you'd been up too. Sorry bout the work situation. Mine blows at the moment too. Bi-polar, huh. I have some experience with that. It sure makes life interesting. Much love and smooches!
Oh lord...you have been having a time! I had that in early October when I just up and quit my job. But my boss was a total psycho and it was either I quit or die a slow painful death. I chose to quit. Thank God I did too! anyway, I'm glad you and the hub have talked and are trying to be patient with each other. It's been a trying month for a lot of folks. Oh, and a friend of mine has a friend that is married to a bi-polar manic depressive man. OY VEY!!!! She is in HELL right now. He's on this manic downswing that they can't kick. He's drinking on his drugs which is making the symptoms 10000000 times worse. He's *this close* to hospitalization.
Ugh. I can't wait for April to be over.
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