Stayed home today - the weather is killing me... Plus I think multi vitamins are not for me - every time I take some I get this constant tired feeling... Anyway it's midnight and I was looking to see if anyone was online... AH just called me... Needed to talk... she's back in the psych hospital again, she is there, how did she call it, agusting her medication. Apparently the anti-depresants she was on for 7 years stop helping and she made several visits to the emergency room in the past few months for stitches... the one day she boiled water and poured it on her hand and that's when she realized she might need help...!!!! God... Now y'all realize why I was all conflicted about talking to her again??? She's such a great person, really, she just has this disease that eats out at her... She sounded good though, hopefull. We talked about owning your disease and learning to live wih it. I told her she needs to tech her boyfriend to be more sensitive to her so he can predict breakdowns like these. Fat chance. Fucking breaks my heart... She needs to know I'm there. Her fucking shrink dumped her a few months ago - told her she was getting too emotionally involved in her case and she couldnt take care of her anymore!!! WTF?!?!?! And I dont think her shit stain boyfriend is helping - DUH! So I need to be there. Write more later... Need to think... Please feel free to comment a lot - I need advice.
I JUST finished reading "Prozac Nation", like, yesterday. Highly recommend it. It was a difficult read for me because it quite often hit a little too close to home, but it was still really good & I'm glad I read it.
As for your friend - i think the best thing you can do is just what you said - let her know you're there for her. There really isn't much else you can do - this kind of thing, it's like, no matter how much you can see what she's doing/not doing to help herself, she just won't and CAN'T listen, or at least, she can't necessarily act on your advice or do the things everyone knows she should. It sounds to me like she's where she SHOULD be right now.
but yeah, if she just knows you're there for her, it'll help a lot.
I wish I had something concrete to tell you :(
Oh my. My advice, be there for her as much as is possible for you, without sucking yourself emotionally dry. Sounds like she could easily do that, with no shrink and a shit stain for a boy friend. Yes, you need to be there for her, but only at the level you are comfortable with. Just know that this girl obviously has serious problems, and you can't save her alone. Good luck, and I'm glad she sought help. **hugs**
Wow, the doctor actually said she was too involved? What the?? What a dumbshit. I don't have any suggestions, that is such a hard situation to have to be in. I'm glad she has a friend like you willing to be there.. she's very lucky.
Kudos for you being there for her! You're a good friend and I can't imagine what I would do if I had a friend with similar problems.
As for advice, I don't think I could give you any. I have a rule in my friendship circle: I only admit one drama at a time. I personally can't handle any more than that. As much as I may love my friend/that person, it isn't fair to my husband (or family) for me to take on a long term, emotionally involved friendship.
In the past, when I've had friends with emotional issues, I found that they were 'all-consuming' relationships. Does that make sense? Where they get upset if you don't invite them to something, even if it's just a trip to the grocery store. Or they call regularly needing advice, just to cry, to (mean) gossip, need a loan, borrow and never return, inconsiderate, say things in public to embarrass you, etc.
I could go on and on. I've had several of these types of people in my life over the years, can you tell? I handle each situation differently and respectfully.
I once met a fellow blogger that turned out CRAZY! Batshit crazy! The blogger was a huge liar, cried all the time, stole from her friends, told lies about her friends (that I wound up meeting), faked a stint in rehab, bullshitted about everything. If you told her that you liked the color of the sky, she would mention how she once owned the sky and she also changed it to purple for a week. With diamond sprinkled in it. She would say all this and expect you to believe it.
Um, can you tell this is something that's been on my mind a little? I just regularly attract people that have 'issues' and I still have no clue how to handle them.
Well, I think my book is finally finished! Haha
Thanks y’all – you’re the best!
Jen – I love Prozac Nation – one of my favorite books! I need to be there for her, I cant keep watching this from afar. I’m scared she’s going to die…
Jess – you’re right, I have to protect myself a little more than I used to.
NV- I know! I’ve never heard of anything like that!!! she said she felt too close to AH and cannot be impartial anymore – she basically broke up with her!!!!
Summer – I know what you mean – people can just drain you completely… but I really don’t want her to die… and you can vent on my comments any time :)
p.s. Jen - read the next one - more, now, again. it's hard but it's amazing!
Sometimes long comments need to happen. Not sure why but, they do.
I know I can always leave you a long comment or e-mail and you don't mind. Your an awesome internet friend! hehe
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