The bureaucratic nightmare continues. Today was the French consulate and I gotta say – a lot more pleasant, a LOT quicker and people were a lot nicer too. Was only there for one hour and it was mostly my fault it took so long. I blame hubby for this, before we got married I hardly spent any time in those places and had never been to the US consulate. Next we have to take care of hubby’s social security and medical insurance… I don’t think I have the strength…
Also all this is making me spend a lot money on clothes! Every time I have a few hours before work and end up shopping – what else would I do? Had lunch in a little tiny café, something called a Mexican sandwich, with avocado, tomatoes and pickles??? What’s Mexican about pickles? But the coffee was so good…
Can I go home and sleep now? Nope, gotta work for 8 hours… Okay then...
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
1 month ago
OH MAN, are you doing all this paperwork stuff before you even go to work?!?!?!? Oh man that sucks. I can't STAND doing stuff before work! Luckily I now work 8-4, so there's really isn't much I COULD do before work LOL
BUT when I used to work a later shift, yeah, HATED IT. Although I'm assuming you HAVE to do it before work coz there's no time AFTER.
well, it's actually good that i work late otherwise i wouldnt be able to do all this stuff! i'm seeing the end though.. slowly! and yes - the clothes are a bonus!
Gah. Social Security. I pity you, I really do. What's the point? It will all be gone before we retire anyway. Yeah.
New clothes rawk!
yeah, social security here is a lot different, we get full health care and retirment - so it is worth it.
I'm glad your country actually cares. lol
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