Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hi Y'all!

We’re back from the north. We had a great time. Hubby got tons of sleep and actually got the color back in his face. We did a whole lot of nothing, which is what we needed, ate a shit load of barbeque and drank a lot of alcohol.

Few things though – I hate hubby’s supervisor, I want him to die a painful death. The guy is SUCH an asshole, acting like he’s better than you and treat hubby like shit. The douche decided to send us off on our vacation with a bang and tore hubby a new one for some meaningless shit that wasn’t even his fault and talked shit about him to the big boss! The whole 3 days we weren’t sure he’d have a job to go back to. Nice. Also the guys we were with were fucking stoners and just sat around smoking all day while hubby and I tried to cheer them up. Ever seen a depressed stoner? Not a pretty sight. We did get them shitfaced Monday night and had a great time though (god bless captain morgan). We went to the beach in Tiberias Monday and had some Saint Peter’s fish – yummy. Nice town, a lot smaller than I remembered.

But all and all, no one fired rockets at us so it’s all good. I got pictures and I will post them tomorrow!


Brunhilda said...

Ugh. Bosses suck. I got in trouble yesterday for someone else's mistake too. That blows.

Glad you enjoyed the trip, depressed stoners and all. Depressed people shouldn't smoke. Only hyper, overactive ones.

Oh, and I love the nonchalant - yeah. I hung out at the Sea of Gailee. lol

Now bring on the pictures!

Anonymous said...

But all and all, no one fired rockets at us so it’s all good.

O_o Wow. Sometimes I'm reminded just how calm & boring Canada really is.......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Glad you had a good time! Like you said before, it WAS just what you needed, so good stuff! As for hubby's boss, ugh - give him a kick in the nads for ME, would ya? LOL