Sunday, October 21, 2007

Back in Black

Okay here I am, was home all last week sick and I still had no energy to blog, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Maybe I lost it… AAAAAAAHHH!!!! I have nothing to live for!!!!!

Anyway, as I said I was sick all week, the AC at work fucking killed me. Stuffy nose, fever, the whole 9 yards. But it was nice to stay home, watched a lot of sci-fi – a lot. Started to go crazy a little bit. Made some soup. Butternut squash pumpkin soup . Didn’t spend any time with Mike coz he was working all week. Poor baby worked so hard. But it was worth it coz him bosses fucking love him now and he got a raise! Yay Mike! Also he might get a day off this week… poor baby…

Alex came back from the US and brought us a few presents. For some reason he got me a bottle of 15 year old Glenn Livet… I don’t know why, I hate scotch. He said he remembered that I liked it last time he gave me some. I tried it Friday night and wasn’t able to have more than a sip… I’m more of an Irish Whisky kinda gal. He also got Mike a bottle of Jack although Mike swore off Jack a while ago, apparently it induces blackouts. So yeah, Alex was a bit off his game. He got me a T-shirt that says ‘Vader was framed’ which is funny but I really hate star wars. Whatever… Oh – he got mike a T-shirt that says ‘never trust a lady with a moustache’ and we’ve been trying to figure out where that’s from, anybody knows..?

I’m sharing with you my recipe for butternut squash pumpkin soup, it’s fucking amazing and perfect for fall.

1 medium leek, chopped.
1 medium butternut squash diced
1 can pumpkin
About 4 cups chicken stock
½ cup heavy cream
Ground nutmeg

K, put some olive oil in a pot and cook the leek for a few minutes till it softens. Add the butternut squash and cook for another 3 minutes. Cover with chicken stock, bring to a boil, then lower the heat and simmer till squash is soft and falls apart. Remove a third of the liquid and blend till it’s all creamy and has no more lumps. Return to the heat and add the can of pumpkin and the cream, season and add ground nutmeg (I like a lot of that stuff just do it to taste). Cook for another 10 minutes and enjoy!

I’m making that shit for thanksgiving dinner!


Melissa said...

I guess because of the time of year I keep seeing everyone talk about making butternut squash soup. which I would totally eat and steve would totally wrinkle his nose at. *sigh* but I'll save this one sarah - if I want a soup he doesn't like I make a batch for myself to take for lunches. and this sounds yummy.

vader was framed hahahaha. I do love star wars sooo... yeah. :P

Anonymous said...

MMMMMM, I had some butternut squash soup at my company dinner last week. It had truffled honey and was DIVINE.

Yeah, tell Mike that I'm with him on the Jack. I go blind when I drink it. Not like when I drink a lot...oh no, just one shot and it's over. DUST. Which annoys me as I drank Jack exclusively for years until I went to Canada. I got carried out of the bathroom on that one.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hate squash. Put a recipe up that involves microwaving something...I can deal with that. As long as it's not squash.

Congrats on the raise for Mike!

Anonymous said...

I don't like squash (except for spaghetti squash, I could eat that like CANDY) but I DO love squash soups - this sounds delicious!

Glad you are feeling better!

One last thing - so apparently this "Alex" is a really close friend, eh? Knows you well?


Anonymous said...


You don't need a recipe to make toast.

Anonymous said...

Or a microwave....