The prominent Rotterdam Natural History Museum in the Netherlands, which houses over 300,000 species, announced in October that it was missing a particular one that it fears is dying out: crab lice (pubic hair lice). In a June science journal article, researchers had hypothesized that the "Brazilian bikini wax" was in part responsible for the scarcity; said the museum's curator, "Pubic lice can't live without pubic hair."
Quick! Somebody get Paris Hilton on the phone!
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
5 weeks ago
And they are worried about this "extinction" why???? I think doing away with lice is far better than something more beneficial.
heheh, that's both amusing and disgusting.
Really. Good to know. Whores with waxes are cutting out the spread, huh. Do pubic lice even provide us with any benefits?
Wow. Brazilian waxes are saving the world from itchy crotches. Nice to know!
Aw, I'd really miss my crabs if they went all extinct :(
LOLOLOLOLOL *knocks on wood, don't wanna jinx anything*
Well that would be a damn dirty shame if that were to happen. O_o
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