Friday: fucking cat kept me up all night and I couldn’t get back to sleep after Mike left for work. So I basically slept about 2 hours then 30 minutes then 1 hour than 1 hour and a few minutes. Anyway, I got up, went to the market and got some pork chops, potatoes and a chicken. Didn’t rain on me so I was happy. Got back home, scared the shit out of the cat with the vacuum, sweet revenge. This is after I spent 45 minutes trying to remove a ball of cat hair the size of my fist from the tube thingy. Cleaned up the house and took a nap. Now, I’m not a big nap person, I usually prefer 5 cups of coffee coz a nap makes me feel groggy but this nap was fucking amazing. Saved my day, I felt so much better after it! Anyway, Mike got home from work, we had pork chops and mash and some much needed sex. Then we got pretty and went to town to meet Nir.
Nir is going through something weird, he says he got his confidence back, I say he’s turned into an asshole. He’s walking around with this “I’m better than all y’all” attitude, makes me wanna beat the crap out of him. But it won’t last, he’s gonna crash back down to earth soon, either that or I’ll get him back down.
Anyway, a few hour and a few pints later I slipped going up t6he stairs and fell of my knees and slammed my arm on the Old Friend’s metal door, I got a huge painful bruise on my arm and it hurts just to think about it. In my defense it was a combination of bad boots, wet steps and a lot of beer. Anyway to make amends for being a jackass all night Nir gave me his credit card and sent us to Zuni, but they didn’t have my favorite and I ended up with a nasty feta sandwich I hated. Mike and the others got a Zuni Burger (the best in town since Mike started making them) and I stole bites.
Back home around 3 I spent about an hour with my head in the toilet, I blame the feta sandwich, I wasn’t that drunk. And then got some sleep
Saturday: Mike and I sent some time in the Christian quarter looking at the decorated shops, we bought some Christmas decorations and had some food. We followed the smell of grilled meat and ended up in this tiny shop, they had the best grilled chicken I’ve had in years. We got home and baked sugar cookies and finished decorating the house while watching The Santa Clause 2. I roasted a chicken and some potatoes and we had a nice quiet night. No falling down stairs, no throwing up.
Sunday: I’m at work. Did some Christmas shopping and I need more coffee.
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
5 weeks ago
Um....I did some grocery shopping and watched hockey.......LOLOLOLOL
Sounds like QUITE the interesting weekend lol! Hopefully the bruise will clear up fast. Those Drinking Bruisies tend to be NASTY....LOL
yeah I worked a lot of OT. LOL.
weird about nir, that kind of came outta nowhere. but you're right, hell learn. or you'll learn him. ;)
sucks you got sick. I know what you mean though - you can definitely tell whether it's alcohol or food-induced.
Yuck. I threw up my breakfast Sunday. There is nothing worse than puking, eh. Bruises suck. Milk it for all it's worth. lol. I have no doubt you'll get Nir in his place.
I got my tree up yesterday! Whoop!
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