Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sick and Stuff

Was out all week with the flu. Particularly nasty one. Lots of fever and general wishing I was dead. Mike was a sweetheart and took care of me. The fever wasn’t so bad though – didn’t see any dead people or have Vietnam War flashbacks this time. I hear you laugh but can you imagine having a conversation with a dead relative in your room at 4am? Anyway. I did become completely obsessed with having one of my tattoos removed for some reason. I was going to start calling laser clinics to find out how much it would be to remove it. Then I decided to have it covered. I don’t know what that was about. When the fever dropped, so did the obsession.

Last night I found my old journals – I didn’t even remember I kept them. I used to write everything that went through my mind – and I mean everything. I spent a few hours going over them and it was kinda hard. I was in a pretty bad place when I wrote most of this stuff. Maybe that’s why I stopped writing like that – it was too much. It made me want to stay home and write all day. Not face the world, just the world inside me.

But I feel much better now. Got back to work today, not even 1 of my dear team mates asked me where I’d been or how I was or even said hi to me. Gotta love that. I don’t know why my supervisor always chooses the weirdest fucking people for our team. Whatever.

Can we have summer now?


Brunhilda said...

Yuck. The flu sucks. I'm glad you had Mike to take care of you. I wondered where you've been. I missed you, and I'd notice if you were gone from my office. Bastard weirdos. Glad you're feeling better. :)

SarahReznor said...

Aww! I missed you too!!! Thanx for noticing me :)

Brunhilda said...

Yeah, I always get a bit worried about you if you disappear for a bit. I know it either means you're feeling down or dealing with some drama.

Melissa said...

I would totally notice if you were gone. pffft. losers. =)

sorry about being sick - it's easy to have strange obsessive ideas while having a fever, yeah?

I still have all my old journals too. I haven't read them in years and years, but man that would be weird. I just know on the back of my main one from high school, I had little boxes of a word and a date like "heartbroken 03-16-92" or "under a cloud 11-20-92" and there's like 6 or 7 stupid ones and then one next to it from when I went back and read it at age... I don't know 22 or 23 (when I felt I HAD GROWN UP SO MUCH! HA!) and I put in a bubble that said "laughing at myself dd/mm/yyyy."

*sigh* I should read those again.

Anonymous said...

One time, I was in the hospital with food poisoning. They had shot me full of something fun and I was calling out for an aunt that was in Indiana at the time...Hmmm...

I had a tat covered a couple years ago. It was a tribal one and just let the guy freehand more tribal over it. Kinda fun!!!!

Bloody Whore said...

aw, I hope you're feeling better, and I'm ready for fucking summer already too! please!