Was out all week with the flu. Particularly nasty one. Lots of fever and general wishing I was dead. Mike was a sweetheart and took care of me. The fever wasn’t so bad though – didn’t see any dead people or have Vietnam War flashbacks this time. I hear you laugh but can you imagine having a conversation with a dead relative in your room at 4am? Anyway. I did become completely obsessed with having one of my tattoos removed for some reason. I was going to start calling laser clinics to find out how much it would be to remove it. Then I decided to have it covered. I don’t know what that was about. When the fever dropped, so did the obsession.
Last night I found my old journals – I didn’t even remember I kept them. I used to write everything that went through my mind – and I mean everything. I spent a few hours going over them and it was kinda hard. I was in a pretty bad place when I wrote most of this stuff. Maybe that’s why I stopped writing like that – it was too much. It made me want to stay home and write all day. Not face the world, just the world inside me.
But I feel much better now. Got back to work today, not even 1 of my dear team mates asked me where I’d been or how I was or even said hi to me. Gotta love that. I don’t know why my supervisor always chooses the weirdest fucking people for our team. Whatever.
Can we have summer now?
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
5 weeks ago
Yuck. The flu sucks. I'm glad you had Mike to take care of you. I wondered where you've been. I missed you, and I'd notice if you were gone from my office. Bastard weirdos. Glad you're feeling better. :)
Aww! I missed you too!!! Thanx for noticing me :)
Yeah, I always get a bit worried about you if you disappear for a bit. I know it either means you're feeling down or dealing with some drama.
I would totally notice if you were gone. pffft. losers. =)
sorry about being sick - it's easy to have strange obsessive ideas while having a fever, yeah?
I still have all my old journals too. I haven't read them in years and years, but man that would be weird. I just know on the back of my main one from high school, I had little boxes of a word and a date like "heartbroken 03-16-92" or "under a cloud 11-20-92" and there's like 6 or 7 stupid ones and then one next to it from when I went back and read it at age... I don't know 22 or 23 (when I felt I HAD GROWN UP SO MUCH! HA!) and I put in a bubble that said "laughing at myself dd/mm/yyyy."
*sigh* I should read those again.
One time, I was in the hospital with food poisoning. They had shot me full of something fun and I was calling out for an aunt that was in Indiana at the time...Hmmm...
I had a tat covered a couple years ago. It was a tribal one and just let the guy freehand more tribal over it. Kinda fun!!!!
aw, I hope you're feeling better, and I'm ready for fucking summer already too! please!
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