In January, the Centre for Recent Drawing art gallery in a London, England, suburb scheduled a series of 55 works by artist
Jordan McKenzie, 40, called "Spent," even though they consist merely of canvases onto which he had ejaculated and covered with carbon sprinkles. McKenzie maintained that the works were "heartfelt and delicate."
Gosh… Where do I start…?
Oh hells bells. Spent. Huh. Well I guess that depends on hard he had to work at it. Did he thank his favorite playbunnies?
What the fuck ever. I mean really...why is this ART? OMG. The Old Masters must be turning over in their graves. That's just disgusting.
Ew! Ewewewewew!
Yeah, I somehow doubt that this would have been considered art in the days of Michelangelo... Back then it was just called masturbation, and playing with your spooge.
As an person with artistic interests, this offends me greatly! The world is a sad place.
Hmm I am going to go with What the f*ck? I am down for art. BUT COME ONE!! Seriously.
Hows it going in your part of the globe?
Hmm...I guess it's no worse than the artists who use their period blood to paint wiht.....
*barf* lol
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