I actually owe y’all a story from last week but this is more important.
I had the best birthday probably ever. I shit you not! Mike magically got both Friday and Saturday off. We went for burgers and a movie Friday night and had a great time. (Saw Jumper – not bad). Saturday we went to the restaurant and had big juicy steaks, Mike’s bosses gave us free appetizers and wine. Then we went to the Blue Hole for drinks…
All our friends showed, I think at one point we had around 25 people at our table. We drank SO much… only problem was half my family was there and we were all supposed to be at my nephew circumcision the next morning! Everyone got really drunk. My mother kept stealing the shots of Captain Morgan out of my hands. My nephew threw up. I tried to hook Nir up with a friend of Rachel that was there with her boyfriend (woops). I drank a B-52 and remembered how yummy those are. Also I remembered how happy they make you. We got home around 3:30 am and I crashed.
The next morning was painful and funny at the same time. We woke up on time and for the first half hour all I managed to say was “oh my god…” Rachel was woken up by her mother at 7am and she fell back asleep and turned her phone off so she was late. My poor brother slept 1 hour and went to work. His girlfriend looked like she didn’t sleep at all.
Anyway – I had a great birthday, wish it was longer!!! Go to facebook for pictures. Thank you all for your birthday wishes!
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
5 weeks ago
Ohhh, those are the best parties when you wake up the next day wishing you were dead just so you could sleep more. Although, I'm worried about the poor kid that got circumsized. I hope the Rabbi wasn't involved in the drinking.
Wow - it sounds like you indeed had an awesome birthday. So glad to hear it! :)
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SARAH!!!!!!!!! Wish I'd been on facebook recently, I'd have KNOWN it was your bday LOLOLOL!
*raises toast (pepsi, all I have, sorry lol) to Sarah*
happy birfday! i don't have much to give you - except this. the photo alone is priceless.
I did not know it was your birthday. Glad you had a nice one. BELATED HAPPY!
1. Reznorgasm: n. The peak of Aural excitement, characterized by strong feelings of pleasure and by a series of involuntary contractions, usually induced after listening to your favourite and/or a good new Nine Inch Nails song (or any other work by Trent reznor)
I'm really glad you had such a great weekend! :)
By the way...Happy BELATED Birthday!
Sorry I'm late...but, better than nevr, right?
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