Wednesday, March 12, 2008

WTF Moment of the Day

'Female Muslim medical students at several hospitals in Britain are objecting to a campaign that demands more rigorous hand-washing (to stop the spread of dangerous bacteria), complaining that being forced to bare their forearms above the wrist is immodesty prohibited by their religion. Doctors cited in a February Daily Telegraph story said washing up to the elbow is crucial for safety. Some women at Birmingham University said they would change careers rather than comply.'

So they’re scared of defying god’s word by exposing their forearms but killing someone by infecting them with bacteria – that’s fine? Remind me never to get major surgery in a Muslim hospital...


Anonymous said...

Ugh. I'm going to have to let this one sink in for a bit. I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I've thought about this. I get the whole religion thing. I do. But this is also a medical environment and religion kinda needs to be left at the door when it comes to germs and infecting someone else. I mean, they can go back to whatever oppressive country they are from that insists they cover themselves at all times and practice their craft over there then and leave the mainstream medicine that requires thorough handwashing to everyone else that is willing to push up their sleeves.

SarahReznor said...

that's not even the point. in judaism nothing comes before human life, you can break (almost) any jewish law if it means saving a life. period. I am positive these women are so narrow minded they didn't even bother asking anyone with better knowledge of Islam WETHER OR NOT THEY CAN DO THIS! I'm pretty sure if it put someone's life in danger you can wash your freaking arms. ALSO - it's the LADIES room for a reason!!!! this is just a stunt.

Anonymous said...

There's a guy here in Toronto who is fighting in court about motorcycle helmet laws - he's Sikh - anyway he says forcing him to wear a helmet violates his rights.

You know, I am usually sympathetic to these types of situations. But yeah, if you could kill someone with an infection because you refused to wash your arms, or you could kill yourself because you refused to wear a helmet, well....

It's just a little too fucked up for me. So yeah, don't ride a motorcycle. Don't become a doctor.

Done & done. *rolls eyes* lol

Brunhilda said...

Wash your damn hands, already.