Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's not me, it's you

Things at work are getting so ugly I’ve been holding off posting because I knew it would just be a whole lot of bitching about work shit. I actually almost cried before leaving for work today. Altogether 12 people that I know of quit because of the pay cuts and our manager is taking this personally and making our lives hell. He’s now trying to make me stay an extra 11 days, too bad he signed my resignation letter that says my last day is June 30th, put that in your pipe and smoke it, bitch!

A local newspaper is running an article about our company. Goes a little something like this – “…future uncertain after hundreds of layoffs… the Jerusalem office, has lost an average of $4 million a year since its opening in 2002… …client confidence is starting to fall off… …confirmed that several clients had withdrawn their business recently… …CEO went overboard, and did irreparable damage…” you get the picture, this ship is sinking and I’m the fuck out of here!

I’m realizing how much of the stress in my life is related to working in this place. I started noticing it about 6 months ago which is when I started thinking of leaving. I’ll spare you the list but it’s long. I called in sick yesterday and was amazed at how happy I was just not being here. Anyway, no more work bitching!

Oh, RIP George Carlin – that really sucks…

Update – HR just informed me I can leave on June 30th – phew!


scissors happy said...

congrats on getting the fuck out. it's brave to quit - i've been meaning to leave this place for years now. it's scary to worry that the next job will be even worse, but a good way to deal is to just think "i am ready to meet new assholes who i will end up hating."

Melissa said...

It's amazing how much something can stress you out without you realizing it sometimes, eh? I'm so happy you're leaving! :)

Brunhilda said...

You'll be much better off in the end. It's hell having to go to a job that stresses you the hell out. Enjoy your day off. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like one hell of a company to work for.....

Glad you're escaping Sarah!

Unknown said...

our manager is taking this personally and making our lives hell.

Just one more reason to get the hell out! And yaaaaaay, sonuvabitch can't make you stay! HUZZAH! LOL

Congrats again, Sarah - and remember, you can do ANYTHING you want to. This could just be the stepping off point for something fantastic. And hell, in a way, who knows or cares, just doing this ITSELF has taken so much guts, that's half the journey right there!!!!!!!!!!!
