Monday, August 04, 2008

But I'm Happy, Damn It!

1. I'm a bad blogger but - I hate my computer, which is the main reason why I don't blog so much anymore, I need a new one bad!!!

2. Crazy Sis is owning her name, she now believes we're plotting to kill her. No joke, she called her dad and told him Mike and their mom are going to kill her... This has nothing to do with the fact she's off her meds and shacking up with a drug dealer in the worst town in Israel... yeah. Mescaline and bi-polar dissorder go so well togther!

3. Saturday both my pub and Mike's restaurant are having parties and I really don't want to go to his thing... mostly coz I love the people I work with but also coz I don't love the people he works with.... Don't tell him! I think we'll have to start there and then go to mine.

4. NIN is on tour and I'm jealous...

5. I know y'all told me it was normal but I really need to calm down, I had a fucking meltdown last week and I don't even know why... major self-confidence crisis... and everything is going so great... It's like my mind refuses to get with the program and feel good about everyhting already. Working in the shit hole before was like the devil you know, didn't expect much. I guess now I feel like I have something to lose.


Brunhilda said...

Ugh. Crazy sisters. Guess what. My crazy sister came to my birthday party! After a year and a half of refusing to speak to me or be in the same room with me she just shows up and acts like everything is normal. WHAT THE HELL???!!! I guess I should just be thankful for the reconcilliation.

I hope your crazy sister gets it together. Drugs and bipolar do not mix well!

You'll get to feeling better. It is awesome to be something you love, eh? It makes all the difference in the world.

Nice to hear from you, lady. I've been wondering how you were doing.

Anonymous said...

It's like my mind refuses to get with the program and feel good about everyhting already.

OMG THERE IS NO WAY, EVER that I will EVER allow myself to feel HAPPY or worse, RELAXED & AT EASE about ANYTHING!!!!!!! LOLOLOL In my anxiety-ridden brain that's just an INVITATION FOR DISASTER LOLOLOL

BUT YOU should.


For real, I'd love to be able to tell you to relax & enjoy your life because yeah, you really DO sound SO much happier, but at the same time, there's no way I'd ever be able to do it MYSELF. But hopefully YOU can, because that's no way to live :(

So your sister is bi-polar? Any schizophrenia (sp?) in there, too? I'm not being snarky or anything, I'm genuinely curious. Hope things get better with that :(

Anyway glad you're enjoying your time and your job!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully your brain will cut you some slack & let you REALLY enjoy it soon ;)


SarahReznor said...

SHE'S NOT MY SISTER! She's mike's sister and they're all bipolar... except Mike is actually taking care of himself (via me). I should start using names... anyway she's on drugs and manic and that leads to paranoia. now since she's managed to fight with everyone lately it's catching up to her.

SarahReznor said...

I jusr realizd what your photo is jess... LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

OH THAT'S RIGHT, it's Mike's sister - one of YOUR sisters is the uber-religious one, right?

You need smaller families, if only so ug readers can keep up...


Anonymous said...

The crazy sister sounds like my whole family.

Melissa said...

Sad and frustrating about Mike's sister. I'm sorry for you guys to have to deal with her.

As for the other stuff, I sent you a big fat message on facebook since you don't do the myspace thing as much.

Anonymous said...

Oy lord. Nothing worse than a bi-polar person not on their meds. Mescaline is enough to screw anyone up...but bi-polar? Yow.

I hope the pub parties go well.

I think you are right about having something to lose and that is creating anxiety for you. Just try to ride it out and tell yourself everything is going to work out the way it is supposed to.

Anonymous said...

ALRIGHT!!!!! What the hell is going on???? Are you okay???