Hey everybody – it’s 666 day! Some morons forgot that it wasn’t actually year 6 but 2006!!! News like this and this wont make them feel any better. But I still would like to go to that party in Hell, MI.
The sharav (heat wave) broke last night and we actually got a good night sleep with a nice breeze flowing into our bedroom from the whadi (small valley). Only about 523 heat waves to go!
We’re kinda worried here – 2 supervisors were fired yesterday and it doesn’t look good. A lot of rumors flying around about shutting us down. But it does look like there was a legit reason for firing them. I know one of them never did shit and didn’t give a fuck, so there. Our supervisor is saying there’s nothing to worry about – just do your job and keep your head down. I cannot lose this job…
Have a fun devil day!
you like your cnn dont you!! :)
"You can all go to Hell. I am going to Texas" - Davy Crockett
Fresh Air - there is always someone planning to take coverage for our sins. That would make them Jesus if they are going to be punished for ours sins. Arent they really wrong...
Yeah, a job is a precious commodity these days. 'Spose I should google that to see if I spelled it right. Can't spell in either language anymore.
I was managing to make a living online for six years... but am going back to the grind this week. Luckily the ex-boss was thrilled and gave me my pick of projects. Still... full time work for not enough to make the combo of mortgage and food (or mortgage and bills). Will be running my business on the side.
Some folks here are trying out American Registry. It's a brilliant biz idea, and they give lots of incentives. Not my style, but others in the household will try it.
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