We were supposed to meet friends for dinner Friday and go see Clerks 2 but on my way to the market the called me to cancel – I was so pissed! But it all worked out, I made a huge dinner, roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and Yorkshire puddings. I so needed a home cooked meal like that! We had Mike’s sister over and watch Death to Smootchy. Very fun! Saturday was spent in front of the TV and then Mike went to work and AT and I went to get shitfaced with a friend who’s leaving on Friday. We went to the Blue Hole for beers and then Mike’s Place for a burger and more beer. I got kinda drunk… Yay!
Someone tell me WHY Storm Large was kicked out while that fake fuck Lucas is still there??!?!?!? She had EVERYTHING! She has an amazing voice, she’s crazy, she's sexy and I want her to be my friend! And that fucking moron who’s all make up and hair spray makes to the bottom 3 and they don’t kick him out?!?!?! I am so pissed! Storm honey – you’re gonna be HUGE even without Supernova, and you know Dave wants to be your sex slave right? Kinda cool that Toby dedicated his song to Steve Irwin though :)
I'm so pissed - I missed episode 2 of Project Runway :( I was cooking...
Yorkshire pudding! I don't even know how to make that. It sounds good though.
Yay for the drunkeness. I did that on Saturday night, too.
Is Storm from Rockstar Supernova? Is that her real name? I would just like to let you know that my mom's name is Stormy. In real life. How interesting is that?
Do you have TiVo/DVR's over there? They aren't too expensive and you would never miss another program. I never appreciated TV until I got one. It was the first 'grown up' item I bought when we moved into our house. (At the same time I also decided it was time to take down my SpongeBob poster.)
Did I ever tell you that my Dad & my brother went to Isreal? They brought me a gold necklace back with my name written in Hebrew. I've always wondered if it really says my name. It probably says Matzo ball or something.
This was long, next time I'll e-mail it. Sorry. Hehe!
dont worry about it - you can email if you want!
they have a version of tivo here butit's about about $250 and i cant afford it. especially since the rerun everythign to death here and if they dont i can dowload it.
yorkshire pudings are ealy easy to make! they're really good drowned in mushroom gravy...
spongbob poster..? i had southpark posters!
and yeah - Storm Large is her real name.
when were they in Israel? email me!
I just want to let you know that, in my heart, I've e-mailed you. When my life slows down at the end of the week, I'll be sure to send you a nice, long e-mail. Something fun for your weekend.
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