"Feeding by hand is not species-appropriate but a gross violation of animal protection laws. The zoo must kill the bear."-- German animal rights activist Frank Albrecht, re a Berlin-born baby polar bear rejected by its mother
"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring." Chuck Palahniuk
I read this shit yesterday. I wondered, if the zoo in fact went ahead and killed the bear right away, you know the animal rights people would flip out. Now they are flipping out cuz the bear will be "dependent on humans." Whatever. he's in a zoo where he's safe. Just like all of the other animals there. don't hear them screaming about the rest of them.
Umm, if the bear is living in the zoo, isn't it dependent on humans anyway? I mean unless those animal rights activists want the bears to roam free within the confines of the entire zoo, stalking and killing zoo patrons, it's going to lose all of it's hunting skill anyway...
Dumbasses. Cute bear. That is all.
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