1. I’m trying to tech myself to type without looking at the keyboard and it’s giving me a headache.
2. 4 day week this week and I’m very happy about it, Thursday is hubby’s boss’ wedding and I’m excited and worried at the same time, I really don’t think I can take another drunken manic episode. But many friends will be there and I need a good party anyway.
3. Mike’s place starts opening during the day on June 1st and it’s in now way too soon, I’m about to lose my fucking mind. I’m getting really sick of going to sleep alone. 6 days a week I see him 5 minutes when he gets home and I’m half asleep and 5 minutes when I leave for work and he’s half asleep. I can’t remember the last time we had sex that wasn’t a quicky and that’s not what I got married for!
4. WTF is happening to fashion? Everything in the stores look like maternity clothes – big tunic looking shirt and tights! Can’t find anything sexy anywhere! I blame Blohan and the talent-less designers who send her free clothes!
5. WTF is happening to the weather? It was raining all weekend! Raining, in may, in Israel!!!
6. Nir loved the marble chess set by the way, turns out he never even used the one we gave him for Christmas last year because Mr. Nir, the blackout king thinks that having 18 shot of alcohol while playing chess is a little too insane for him! I think we have progress people!
7. Started re-watching season 7 of Buffy, I miss this show so much… Yes, I'm a geek! Deal with it!
8. Done bitching now, how y'all doing?!
*The Bastanada is, as Buffy points out, a wooden rod used for torture and discipline in Turkish prisons.
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
1 month ago
That sucks about hubby :( You must really miss him.
As for tunic tops - ahem - those of us with a bit of a belly dig the free flowingness of them. Leggins I can do without. So should everyone else.
4. WTF is happening to fashion? Everything in the stores look like maternity clothes – big tunic looking shirt and tights! Can’t find anything sexy anywhere! I blame Blohan and the talent-less designers who send her free clothes!
OMG I was JUST complaining about this to a friend the other day LOLOLOLOL! I don't mind the tops - I don't have any, but as Jess mentioned, they can be beneficial LOL - BUT THE LEGGINGS - JAYSUS! WTF?!?!?! ALTHOUGH I MUST SAY - saw an American Apparel ad the other day that had RUBBERY SILVER TIGHTS - now, i can't imagine where the hell I'd wear them, but that was the FIRST TIME I liked a pair of those leggings, and if I DID have somewhere to wear them, yeah, I'd wear the rubbery silver leggings......LOLOLOL! Otherwise I am SO with you on this whole issue........LOL
Regarding #1 :) When I worked at a bank, the night shift people loved sitting at my desk. It was basically a funhouse .. versus other dull desks. It made me crazy, because they were pigs and would leave food all over my keyboard and desk. SO :) I removed all of the keys, and put them in alphabetical order on my keyboard. Because it didn't bother me, I don't have to look :) They hated me :) But it was funny as hell to watch people hunt-n-peck on my keyboard BWAHAHAHAH! But you can do it!!
Congratulations on #3. My hub and I used to work opposite shifts.. it sucked!
#8... just groovy, thanks :)
Rubbery silver tights? Sounds very sweaty :) But cool!!
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