- This 5-inch tall, hard plastic Crazy Cat Lady Action Figure comes in a blister pack with her SIX CATS!
- Are you a crazy cat person? Take the quiz!
- Do you get excited when you hear a can opener?
- Do you think cats are smarter than people?
Check out the Crazy Cat Lady here!
This scares me.
Cat Lady = Awesome
8 Ball = Awesome-r
You know you get a discount if you buy her with the librarian! Sweet!
I used that widget on my blog. It really rather rocks, thanks.
Did y'all see the Obsessive Compulsive action figure? LOL!!! Turn the page wash your hands.Turn the page wash your hands. OMG!!! These are such great gifts!
I saw this in a store once, I SO should have bought it, it is SO ME!!!!!! I AM the Crazy Cat Lady! And proud of it! LOLOLOL!
OMG, I would totally buy this... but I have a client who has WAAAAAAY too many cats, so I see enough of them in real life!
Well, the company is going to have to get me a new office chair. I just peed on it from laughing so hard!!!
Someone...please PLEASE buy me the Nunzilla and the Jesus Action Figure!!!!
I want the Jesus figure too!!
That is hilarious!!!!!
Seriously. I've bought both that and the Jesus action figure for people before. I give the lamest, wanna-be hipster gifts.
Marcia...they are far from lame!!! Those are awesome!!!!!
These are great - I was thinking of sending Jenner that one ;) although now with Lynx and the tiny one who keeps coming in to eat our food, I should get it for myself...!!!!
I dunno, tie between Jenner and Jess for crazy cat lady!
Oh and hi...I've seen you on some of the other blogs and I came by tonight. :)
Hi Bonnie :) Seen you before too. Welcome!
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