So, thanksgiving is Thursday… I have to cook for 7 people… it was supposed to be a nice quiet thanksgiving with my friends but no… seriously I just want it to be over. We’re a bit tight with money lately so I’m getting everyone to bring shit. Although I don’t think I can trust crazy sis to bring anything. I remember last year we did this Christmas party/craft nights and they were supposed to bring 3 bottles of soft drinks and they brought half a bottle of coke… Nir is in charge of wine because his uncle has this amazing wine store and he said he might not come because his job is doing this trip and last year he was so drunk by the end of it he couldn’t even drive home. I’m sorry but that’s not a valid excuse to miss thanksgiving dinner! I don’t know how I’m gonna make all the food with one tiny oven. This is what I have planned – butternut squash soup, mushroom stuffed turkey breast, the regular sides (mash, sweet potatoes, green beans) and an apple pie for desert (Mike hates pumpkin pie).that’s not so bad right? I’m thinking of getting Alex to do the mash and the buttermilk biscuits. Oy… I’m really looking forward to Friday coz that’s when we get the Christmas decorations out!
So I’m at work, hoping for rain.
Learning French is Possible at Any Age
5 weeks ago
At the risk of sounding stupid...Is Mike American? Is that why you are celebrating Thanksgiving? I thought it was just a US thing??
*hides in hole*
Oh, good luck with all that.
Pook - Yes, Mike is American... well, his parents are - he was born here. and his familiy always has this amazing huge thanksgiving dinner, his mom is a really good cook too... so I have to keep up the tradition now that their gone...
Jess - I dont know if you meant it but when I read your comment I though of Sienfeld LOL!!!
before I moved into my new place, I had a really small oven and two working burners and trust me, it can be done. I know it's overwhelming, but I'm sure everything will work out fine.
yeah, if were you, I wouldn't even bother asking crazy sis to help. :(
Yeesh you Americans go NUTS with the Thanksgiving, eh? LOLOLOL I think Americans get crazier with Thanksgiving than they do with Xmas!!!!!!! In Canada we could NOT care less about's just an excuse for a day off work...for real... I think they just created a Canadian Thanksgiving so we COULD have that day off....LOLOLOLOLOL
Anyway HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING, and good luck with the preparations! From everything you've ever posted re: food, I know it'll be great ;)
THANKSGIVING IS AWESOME!!!!!!! Damit. I'll be going to smf mommas. That was kinda Seinfeld, huh? lol I can't imagine trying to put my own on. I go where the good grandma cooking is. Hee.
Oh please, I'm doing Thanksgiving Vegas style...
We're going to a bar/restaurant/casino :)
I would cook, but I can't be bothered.
Thanksgiving in America is partly inspired by a huge meal, and if Americans can find a reason to shove food in their faces, we run with it. And when a holiday is centered around food, well then, it becomes a huge event.
Good luck with the meal, Sarah and Happy Thanksgiving :)
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